BAQ Human Resources Business Assessment Questionnaire – Human Resources Company name Email address Do you have workers that you pay as sub-contractors? YesNo Do these workers take routine direction from you or your staff? Do they work within your premises? Do they drive your vehicles? Do you tell them when to work and how to perform tasks? Total # of Employees: Full Time: Part Time: Skilled Unskilled Have you ever had a worker's compensation claim filed against you? YesNo Do you have the required employee notification posters displayed? YesNo Do you pay employees for drive time or on-call assignments? YesNo Do you work in Ohio? YesNo If so, are you registered with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation? YesNo Do you use a Third Party Administrator like Sheakley or Careworks? YesNo Do you work in Kentucky? YesNo Do you work in Indiana? YesNo If you work in Kentucky or Indiana, do you have the required Workers Compensation insurance? YesNo Do you have an employee manual? YesNo Has your employee manual been reviewed by legal counsel? YesNo Has your employee manual been reviewed and updated within the past year? YesNo Do you have a written process for training new employees? YesNo Have you documented each employee's job description? YesNo Do you have an organizational chart? YesNo Do you provide incentives, benefits, and/or retirement plans to your employees? YesNo What benefits does the business offer its employees? Do you conduct regular staff meetings? YesNo Do you conduct performance reviews? YesNo If so, how often? Do you have a process to screen candidates your employees for aptitude, background, drugs, etc.? YesNo Do any of the employees belong to unions? YesNo Which employees are the most important to the company? Do you have a policy against employees using their own computers at work? YesNo Do you have a policy against employees using their cell phones at work? YesNo Do employees have access to confidential information? YesNo Do you regularly pay overtime? YesNo Do terminated employees return the keys, documents, & equipment they have in their possession? YesNo Do you have a deferred compensation plan? YesNo Do you review emails, track keystrokes, or otherwise “eavesdrop” on your workers? YesNo Note that #1 means you strongly agree, #2 means you somewhat agree, #3 means you neither agree nor disagree, #4 means you somewhat disagree and #5 means you strongly disagree. We pay our employees top dollar 12345 Our employee turnover is less than our competition 12345 Our employees are better trained than our competition 12345 I can trust our employees to not steal 12345 We deal with employee complaints immediately 12345 Our employees have good ideas which save us money 12345 If it weren’t for my employees I would like my business 12345 My employees would stay late and help me if I asked 12345 Δ